Tuesday, July 24, 2018

A letter to the President

Dear President Rodrigo Duterte,

Greetings Mr. Rody Duteterte. I am a junior high school student and I would like to talk to you about the state of the economy and the education system of the Philippines. These are issues that I want to address because I feel that these things would help the Philippines in its advancement. A failing economy would result to more poverty present throughout the country. A failing education system would result to illiterate Filipinos not able to speak and learn their own truth.

During the campaign season, you have promised to make our country better by helping our impoverished brothers and sisters in the country. However, that is not the case. There have been undeniable high inflation rates in our commodities and goods. This could be linked to a worsening economy. The minimum wage is not enough for people to afford the needs of each human being to even just live. I view this as a big threat for the advancement and betterment of the Philippines itself. Not only is the economy a problem but also our education system. As a student, I believe that education is key in order for the state of the Philippines to improve. Education should reach even our brothers and sisters who are living in remote areas and to our brothers and sisters who can’t afford to go to school. Education should not be for the privileged, rather it is a right that everyone should obtain. The saying goes that “The youth is the hope of the country” so giving them quality education for the lowest price possible could help improve the state of our country.

President Duterte, I think it is high time that you listen to the cries of the people. I am not saying that you should give them what they want but you need to consider the things that they are voicing out and try to make a compromise. Be the change.


Uriel Lazo

Thursday, July 12, 2018

Why we celebrate Independence day


Resulta ng larawan para sa ph independence day
                Last June 12 we celebrated Independence Day. This is a very old holiday that dates back to 1898 when we were declared to be free from the Spanish government. It was a significant time for us Filipinos because it signified that we were able to declare to be free after years of oppression from the Spanish government. It was a joyous occasion for us Filipinos because we have finally achieved our independence.

              So why do we celebrate Independence Day? This is because we Filipinos value our freedom greatly. Our history is full of heroes like Jose Rizal, Andres Bonifacio, Emilio Auginaldo, and so much more who risked their lives to fight against a government that oppressed Filipinos. Our heroes risked their lives in order to help us Filipinos achieve our freedom. Whenever we were oppressed, our ancestors did not stand idly by. They were willing to sacrifice their lives in order help us Filipinos achieve our freedom. This is why we celebrate Independence Day. We celebrate it because it reminds us on how much our ancestors suffered and sacrificed in order to achieve our freedom and why we should use and cherish our freedom, which they fought so hard for, responsibly and whenever someone tries to take away our freedom we should do all we can to maintain our freedom. If we let someone take away our freedom willingly then that would mean that the sacrifices our ancestors made in order for us to have freedom would be meaningless.

             Our independence is one of the best gifts that our ancestors have given us. This is why Independence Day is a day we should all celebrate because it commemorates our heroes who fought for our freedom. If we do not celebrate Independence Day then we fail to recognize the independence that was given to us by our ancestors and their sacrifices.

Picture: http://www.weddinginthesky.com/custom/domain_1/image_files/sitemgr_photo_9043.jpg
Information: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Independence_Day_(Philippines)

some art stuff

So today I'm bored again so I might as well post some stuff you know? Well this is actually a backup just in case I lose my sd card or s...