Monday, February 11, 2019

Change starts with me

There are many things that we need to change in our present day society. From stopping the discrimination that the minority receive on a daily basis to making our society less wasteful on our natural resources and what better place is there to start this change than ourselves?

Change starts with ourselves. If we want to improve our community the first thing that we must do is to improve ourselves. The first thing that we should do is to identify the flaws within ourselves. We can only the flaws which we are aware of. The second thing to do after identifying these flaws is to work towards changing it to something positive. It may be hard to change the bad habits that we have however as long as we are determined and work hard towards achieving this goal we will eventually triumph.

We all have the power to change society but in order to start this change we must become a role model for these changes. Our actions may inspire others to do the same.  We must be a good example of the change that we want to happen for change starts with ourselves.

some art stuff

So today I'm bored again so I might as well post some stuff you know? Well this is actually a backup just in case I lose my sd card or s...