Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Benefits of planting

This July we are celebrating the Nutrisyon month. The goal of this celebration is to encourage people to start living a healthy life through exercise and eating food that is filled with nutrients. This celebration also has a lot of events like the food fest, nutri-jingle and a lot more which makes the celebration a joyous event. Each year the Nutrisiyon month has a theme which helps address the bigger problems that we are facing and the theme of this year nutrisyon month is “Ugaliing mag tanim, sapat na nutrisyon ay aanihin”.

Now you might be thinking “Why should I start farming and why would it help me become a healthier person?” well it’s because there are a lot of benefits that comes with planting your own vegetable and while it may take time, hard work and patience the outcome is worth it. One of the benefits of planting is that it will give you access to cheap vegetables. Because of this it helps promote a healthy life style without you needing to worry about the costs. You can even make a business out of this.  Another benefit of this is that it is very cheap to set up in your backyard. All you need is some packet of seeds, ground, and water and you’re ready to go planting your own vegetables. Just remember to water it every day and it’ll be fine.

There are a lot of benefits that you can reap (see what I did there?) if you start your own vegetables. This helps address the rising prices of vegetables. Planting your own vegetables will help you maintain a healthy lifestyle and can teach you a new skill.


some art stuff

So today I'm bored again so I might as well post some stuff you know? Well this is actually a backup just in case I lose my sd card or s...