Sunday, October 21, 2018

Why teachers matter

     Teacher’s day is here and with it comes the influx of gifts that receives like chocolates, flowers, and many more. It’s a special occasion for teachers because of the special treatment that get during this day. However some students may ask on why celebrate this occasion.

     Teachers are our second parents and they teach us a lot of things like math, english, science, and many more. They also teach us values like discipline, punctuality, and that we should always be hard working.  They are also very patient, correcting us whenever we make a mistake instead of becoming angry, and also dealing with our noisy selves. They also have to stay all night just to make a lesson plan and also check our requirements like quizzes and outputs. It’s really not easy to be a teacher but they make a lot of sacrifices in order to make sure that we grow into responsible citizens.

     Teachers sacrifice a lot so that we can have a bright future. Every day they have to put up with our shenaniganries and every night they have to stay up to make lessons plans and check their papers. Because of this being a teacher can be very tiring work and so this teacher’s day, let us show them our love for everything that they do.

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