Saturday, October 27, 2018

Second quarter reflection

Half of the quarters are now over and with it comes new experiences, knowledge, and insights. I have learned a lot things this quarter. One of the memorable things that I learned was how to make a webpage using HTML.

This quarter has been a great experience for me and while I did have to cram some projects most of the second quarter was enjoyable. I was able to learn a lot of things this quarter like internet access, URLs, and HTML. These were quite enjoyable to learn and I can see a lot of applications for these subjects. However there are also actions that I regretted doing this quarter. I hope to learn from these actions to find out what I am lacking in. Because of this I will use my failings as a motivation to become a better student.

The third quarter is here and with it comes a new starting point. I will use this opportunity to do better in my classes. I hope that by the end of the third quarter I will start to see an improvement to my grades.  

Thursday, October 25, 2018

U.N month

“Coming together with those furthest behind to build an inclusive world of universal respect for human rights and dignity." This is the theme of the U.N month celebration. The U.N month is celebrated because it encourages us to treat with respect. But what does the theme mean?

There are many people who face many hardships everyday like poverty, abuse, human rights violation and many more. We have the power to change this for better or for worse. We should the power that we have to help these people because it is our responsibility to uphold everyone’s rights and dignity. This is why U.N. encourages us to help these people so that we can build a world where everyone is given equal opportunity no matter their sex, race, or social standing. Now, there are many ways to help them and we can start by making the public be aware of the problems which these people face. This is because we need the support of people if we want to solve these problems because if we are alone we cannot change anything but if we unite we can change everything.

There are many problems which our world currently faces which stems from the mistreatment of people. Treating everyone with respect and dignity is something that we must do if we want these problems to be solved. This is why we unite in order to face these human rights violation in order to make the world a better place

Monday, October 22, 2018

Wavefront: Accentuating Potentials, Activating Technological Advancements

The human race has done great achievements thanks to technology. It allowed us to go the moon, probe the universe and see the smallest of objects. Technology has helped us a lot in attaining knowledge and the quality of life which we experience today. Because of this we celebrate science month in order to celebrate how far technology has taken us.

The theme this science month is “Wavefront: Accentuating Potentials, Activating Technological Advancements”. A lot of people have the potential to make a new innovation which can change the world. Unfortunately these people are never given an opportunity to attain their full potential due to a lack of education, a lack of funds, and a lot of other things and because of this technological advancement is held back. This theme encourages us to help people attain their full potential in order to help advance technology.

Technological advancement starts with an idea. A lot of people have the potential to make this ideas but are unable to due to a lack of education. We must help them in planting these ideas in their minds in order to further advance technology and help make a better future. 

Sunday, October 21, 2018

Why teachers matter

     Teacher’s day is here and with it comes the influx of gifts that receives like chocolates, flowers, and many more. It’s a special occasion for teachers because of the special treatment that get during this day. However some students may ask on why celebrate this occasion.

     Teachers are our second parents and they teach us a lot of things like math, english, science, and many more. They also teach us values like discipline, punctuality, and that we should always be hard working.  They are also very patient, correcting us whenever we make a mistake instead of becoming angry, and also dealing with our noisy selves. They also have to stay all night just to make a lesson plan and also check our requirements like quizzes and outputs. It’s really not easy to be a teacher but they make a lot of sacrifices in order to make sure that we grow into responsible citizens.

     Teachers sacrifice a lot so that we can have a bright future. Every day they have to put up with our shenaniganries and every night they have to stay up to make lessons plans and check their papers. Because of this being a teacher can be very tiring work and so this teacher’s day, let us show them our love for everything that they do.

some art stuff

So today I'm bored again so I might as well post some stuff you know? Well this is actually a backup just in case I lose my sd card or s...