Thursday, December 6, 2018

Achieving equality for a better society

Kaugnay na larawan
Equality. This is something that every society wants to have for its citizen no matter what they are. Equal opportunities for jobs, equal opportunities for education, equal opportunities to live a successful life no matter their gender or race. A society where everyone is treated equally. A society can only reach its full potential if it treats all of its member with an opportunity to be great and what better way is there to give equal opportunities to people by giving them equal rights.

Giving equal rights to every person allow them to use their skills to help society. If we deny a person equal rights then his talent will be wasted rather than be used to benefit a society and its citizens. We face many obstacles for this to exist but I believe that one day we shall be able to live and experience this dream. However if we truly want to achieve this dream then we must help our fellow brothers and sisters who are being discriminated and make more people aware of this issue. We live in a fortunate time where social media allows us to spread awareness for issues faster and more effectively. It can give us the power to lend voices to the people who are being oppressed in our society. Let us use this power to help end discrimination.

Equality is very important if we want to build a thriving society. In order to achieve equality we try to stop the discrimination that is happening in the world. We must always remember that we should treat everyone with respect and dignity because in the end we are all human, and therefore we are all children of God and we must treat our brothers and sisters fairly.

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some art stuff

So today I'm bored again so I might as well post some stuff you know? Well this is actually a backup just in case I lose my sd card or s...