Saturday, December 22, 2018

Essence of Christmas

Christmas is here again and with it comes gifts, happy times and egg nog.  It is one of the most widely anticipated and celebrated holidays in the entire world. It is usually during this time that we buy many gifts for the ones we love. However during these times it is easy to forget why we celebrate Christmas: the birth of our lord and savior, Jesus Christ

It’s during these times that we forget that Christmas is all about giving love to our fellow brothers and sisters because we focus the material aspect of Christmas rather than the spiritual one. There are many ways that we can show our love to other people like forgiving the people that have done wrong against us and asking for forgiveness from those whom we’ve hurt. We should also donate to things that we do not need to the needy and the unfortunate people. We should also use this as a time to bond with our families. We should also pray to the Lord and thank him for the great sacrifice that he made to save us from our sins.

The essence of Christmas is to give love to our fellow neighbors and celebrate the birth of our savior. We can show our love for Jesus by helping others and giving them what they need. Merry Christmas everybody!

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